Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Another year has zipped by! (...so fast that we missed the holiday card window - making this a (slightly tardy) Happy New Year eCard :-)

John and Donna both changed employers this year. Current Energy was purchased by one of its OEM customers, and John remains on board. Donna joined an educational software company; it's a challenging time in the education world, but she's working with great people and great products, so all is good.

John's competitive milestone for the year was literally putting one foot in front of the other - 700,000 times in 9 weeks(!) - helping his team win a company wellness competition. He could often be seen stepping forward and backward (and forward and backward and forward and backward...) while pushing Katelyn in the swing she couldn't get enough of. 

And thinking of swings... John rigged a 25' rope inside the house for his workouts - and although this didn't quite work the way he'd anticipated for his own workouts (which were more aspirational than actual this year) - it provided Katelyn with the coolest swing in the neighborhood. And, of course, she has her own climbing harness to add to the fun.

Katelyn continues to amaze and delight us with her endless curiosity, her joy of discovery, and her sense of wonder about the world. There's a big personality and an independent mind inside that little body.

We wish you a happy new year and health, delight, peace and wonder in 2012.

Donna, John & Katelyn

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear from you and see the cute pics. Wishing you all the best in 2012!
